Event Details

Veterinary Behavior Virtual Symposium 2021

6th Aug 2021


Call for Papers

The American College of Veterinary Behaviorists (ACVB) is pleased to announce the 2021 Veterinary Behavior Symposium (VBS). The Symposium provides a forum for sharing cutting-edge, original research in the field of animal behavior. Veterinarians, applied animal behaviourists and scientists from related disciplines are welcome and encouraged to submit abstracts. Clinical case reports will also be considered for presentation and discussion.

Three monetary research awards ranging from $1000.00 - $1500.00 (see below) are available for outstanding papers submitted by researchers or veterinarians.

Important Dates

  • April 5, 2021 – All Abstract Submissions Due
  • May 10, 2021 - Program Selections Announced
  • May 28, 2021 – Speakers Confirm Acceptance/Attendance
  • July 5, 2021 - Final Proceedings Due
  • August 6, 2021 – Veterinary Behavior Symposium

Meeting Content

  • Original, scientific behavioral research abstracts are delivered as long (25 minutes) or short (10 minutes) oral presentations
  • Clinical case reports that demonstrate novel approaches to applied behavior may be included and will be presented as short oral presentations (10 minutes)
  • Award presentations (see below) are full length (25 minutes) lectures
  • The official meeting language is English; translation services are not available.
  • The meeting will be virtual but held in “real time.”
  • To decrease the chances of unexpected technological difficulties, all speakers will be asked to pre-record their presentations for the meeting and be present on August 6th to take part in Q and A sessions.


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