Event Details

Webcast: Rearing pigs with intact tails in Europe

28th Nov 2017 - 30th Nov 2017

Webcast: Rearing pigs with intact tails in Europe

Dir F, Grange, Ireland


The European Commission is organising a three day meeting, sharing valuable insights from top experts on how to rear pigs with intact tails and thus improve their welfare.

The meeting is aimed at industry stakeholders, the authorities of EU Member States, researchers, and NGOs.

The presentations and discussions for this event will focus on the practicalities of rearing pigs with intact tails and how to assess and manage the risk factors relating to tail biting.

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You are invited to participate on-line in the webcast of the meeting, which will take place at the Commission's Health and food audit and analysis Directorate in Ireland.

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Please send any questions you may have on the presentations to the functional mailbox:  and the organisers will endeavour to answer as many as they can during the time for questions at the end of each presentation. If they cannot answer your question during the webinar, they will forward your question to the presenter for response after the event.

For your information, the European Commissoin's website on farm animal welfare including pigs gives links to EU pig legislation, COM recommendation (EU) 2016/336, STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT on best practices with a view to the prevention of routine tail-docking and the provision of enrichment materials to pigs [SWD(2016)49 final] and EFSA’s website.

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