Please submit exercises for students

In 2017, the ISAE Education Officer created a special project to solicit educational materials to share with members. Please see below for details about how to participate.


As the Society’s Education Officer, I would like to provide education materials for teachers who are looking to develop hands-on learning experiences in applied animal behaviour and welfare.

Please help me by submitting exercises you use in your classrooms which I can then assemble into a searchable database and make available to the public via our website. Both English and non-English excercises are welcome!


Fill in the form below completely. Your name and contact information will be kept confidential. Then upload your document to be distributed for the exercise as a PDF. Please download this example as a template so that we can keep the format consistent. For non-English contributions, please change the titles to fit the language of the content. 

If you have questions, please contact me at:

Thank you,
Michael Toscano, ISAE Education Officer

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When you have completed the form, please click the Send Details button ONCE to submit


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