Event Details

PhD course Fundamentals of Animal Emotion

1st Mar 2021 - 5th Mar 2021

The ISAE Benelux region is organising an online PhD Course titled Fundamentals of Animal Emotion in the afternoons of the first week of March 2021. 

This course covers the basics of animal emotion, from definitions of terms to indicators of animal emotion, and from the evolution of emotion to the role emotions play in long-term welfare. Top scientists in the respective fields covered in this course are invited to lecture and present the latest findings and research directions. 

The course will be held online, which is unfortunate but necessary due to Covid-19. Interaction amongst participants and between participants and lecturers will be stimulated by ensuring sufficient time for questions and discussion.

After completing this course, the participant will have a good understanding of what animal emotion refers to and how it can be assessed in non-verbal beings using various behavioural indicators, cognitive tests or physiological markers (or combination thereof). They will understand how emotion evolved throughout the animal kingdom and why, hence what are the functions of emotion. They will get a glimpse of what satisfaction with life in humans actually is and what it is based on and how it is assessed. And finally, participants will acquire awareness of latest developments in all fields of research covered by this course from top, prominent scientists in the respective fields. 

Registration should be done by filling in this form. More details on registration fees can be found in the registration form - please note there's an option to apply for free attendance for participants from developing countries. There's a maximum of 24 participants, on a first come first serve basis, with PhD students getting priority over others who register. The registration deadline is the 18th of December. 

Questions can be directed at  



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