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Impact of feeding a high fibre diet
and roughage on motivation for feeding
in fast-growing broiler breeder pullets
K.E. Wurtz, K. Thodberg,
M.E. van der Heide, A.B. RiberShare your open-access paper,
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Individual behavior and housing setup
interact to influence markers of
welfare in the critically
endangered Hawaiian crow
R.P. Gosselin, A.M. Flanagan, M. Mendl,
K. Earnest, B. Masuda, A.L. GreggorThe value of sniffing:
A scoping review of scent
activities for canines,
J. Fountain, E.J. Fernandez,
T. J. McWhorter, S.J. HazelSensor-based activity patterns of healthy
calves housed in large groups
D. Sun, G.G.R. Leday, P.P.J. van der Tol,
L.E. Webb, C.G. van ReenenThe impact of enriched housing on
the behaviour and welfare of captive
leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius)
E.L. Rickman, A. Wilkinson,
T.W. Pike, O.H.P. Burman
An exploration of the postural, location-
and social contact- related
sub-characteristics of inactive but
awake behaviour as a depression-like
indicator in mice
A. C. Trevarthen, A. Resasco, E. M. Finnegan,
E. S. Paul, M. T. Mendl, C. FureixSalivary oxytocin response of dairy cows
to nursing and permanent separation
from their calves, and the influence of
the cow-calf bond
H. W. Neave, J-L. Rault,
E. Hvidtfeldt Jensen, M. Bak JensenExploring baseline behaviour in
group-housed, pre-weaned
dairy calves
S. E. McPherson, L. E. Webb, M. C. McFadden,
A. Flynn, E. A.M. Bokkers, E. KennedyThe influence of scented toy enrichment
on owned dog activity levels in
a household setting
R. Sonowal, A. Cisneros,
N. J. Hall, A. C. Stellato
Dairy calves' time spent in
the cow herd in a calf-driven
cow-calf contact system during
two-step separation with a nose flap
A. Vogt, K. Barth, M. Schneider,
U. König von Borstel, S. WaiblingerSafe or sound? Factors influencing
outdoor access, cat behavior, and
hunting history with implications
for conservation and welfare
H. J. Chung, J. Aulakh,
J. Link, A. Sih, C. MoodyCategory-dependent contribution of
dog facial and bodily cues in human
perception of dog emotions
K. Guo, C. Correia-Caeiro, D. S. MillsAll is not equal: Public perception
of cognitive abilities, suffering and emotional
attachment in different pet species
A. Crisante, O. H.P. Burman, A. Wilkinson
Multiple factors shape social contacts
in dairy cows
H. Marina, P.P. Nielsen,
W.F. Fikse, L. RönnegårdHow much 'enrichment' is enough
for laboratory rodents? A systematic
review and meta-analysis re-assessing
the impact of well-resourced
cages on morbidity and mortality
J. Cait, C. B. Winder, G. J. MasonTemperament of the dairy cow relates
to her maternal behaviour in a
pasture-based extended suckling system
S. L. Ospina Rios, C. Lee,
S. J. Andrewartha, M. VerdonStartle magnitude is a repeatable measure
of reactive temperament in sheep
H. E. Salvin, A. Lees, L. M. Cafe,
S. Morris, C. Lee
Sows and piglets adjust their use of an
outdoor paddock with season and
piglet age during the first weeks
of life in an organic farm
A. Jahoui, J. Malmkvist,
L.J. Pedersen, B. Lieubeau,
J. Hervé, C. TalletEffects of different rooting materials
on behaviour and welfare of finishing pigs
E.M. Rosvold, M. Ocepek,
I.L. AndersenSkeleton-based image feature extraction
for automated behavioral analysis in
human-animal relationship tests
M. Oczak, J.-L. Rault,
S. Truong, O. SchmittUse of an outdoor run by fattening pigs
kept in large group housing systems with
announced access through
computer-controlled gates
U. Höne, L. Schrader,
R. Hölscher, I. Traulsen, E. T. Krause
Consistent individual differences in
behavior among beef cattle in
handling contexts and social-feed
preference testing
M. Creamer, K. HorbackQualitative feed restriction affects frustration,
fear, motivation to explore, and
feather fault bars in Ross 308
broiler breeder cockerels
F.M. Tahamtani, K.E. Kittelsen,
G. VasdalThe impact of gastrointestinal parasitism
on the behaviour and welfare of
weaned housed lambs
M.C. Reeves, N. Booth,
N.J. Fox, J. Donbavand,
M. Jack, F. Kenyon,
J.E. Martin, E.M. Baxter,
C.M. DwyerImpact of early socialisation in
foster care on kitten behaviour
G.R. Campbell, E.R. Arnott,
C. Graham, L. Niel,
M.P. Ward, G. Ma
Measuring affect-related attention bias to
emotionally valenced visual stimuli
in horses
S. Kappel, M.A. Ramirez Montes De Oca,
S. Collins, K. Herborn,
M. Mendl, C. FureixStrain and age but not maternal feeding of
n-3 fatty acids affect the performance
of laying hen offspring in a
series of associative learning tasks
R.H. Whittle, E.G. Kiarie,
A. Harlander, T.M. WidowskiFeel-good songs: application of a novel playback
paradigm to induce a positive affective
state in juvenile male Wistar rats
T.J. Hammond, S.M. Brown,
S.L. Meddle, B.L. Nielsen,
A.B. Lawrence, V. BombailAnimal-based methods for the assessment
of broiler chicken welfare in organic
and conventional production systems
S.N. Rasmussen, K.E. Wurtz,
M. Erasmus, A.B. Riber
Opportunistically using a Chronic Unpredictable
Stress study to investigate ‘inactive-but-awake’
behaviour as a potential welfare
indicator in laboratory rats
L.E. Young, R.T. McCallum,
M.L. Perreault, G.J. MasonVarying degrees of human-animal interactions
elicit weak evidence of a temporally
stable behavioral trait in
rangeland breeding ewes
K. Schiller, K. HorbackDark Brooder pullets are less active than
non-Brooder pullets, but show
similar level of synchronisation
at the resource areas
A. Martin-Cirera, M. Lyrakis,
A.B. Riber, M. Oczak,
M. Gosch, M. Dunn,
J. SirovnikBehaviour, heart rate variability and
surface temperature of calves after
hot-iron disbudding or injection of
clove oil or isoeugenol under the horn buds
A. Juffinger, S. Bramberger,
A. Stanitznig-Nuyken, J. Schoiswohl,
R. Krametter-Frötscher, T. Wittek,
A. Futschik, S. Waiblinger
Mind your language! Lessons from the application
of an English published version
of a Japanese horse personality
instrument to a French population
C. Ricci-Bonot, T. Romero,
C. Nicol, D.S. MillsEffects of ultraviolet light supplementation
on hen behaviour and welfare
during early lay
Md S. Rana, C. Lee,
S.W. Walkden-Brown, D.L.M. CampbellThe effects of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drug on the behavioural and physiological
parameters of beef cows and
calves assisted at calving
C. Lucio, M.C. Windeyer,
E.A. Pajor, K. Larson,
J.M. PearsonAssociations between resilience to weaning stress
and startle response in nursery age gilts
B. Lee, A.M. Luttman,
C.W. Ernst, J.P. Steibel,
N.E. Raney, J.M. Siegford
Sleep quality in cynomolgus macaques
varies by housing type and
following surgery
E.A. Paterson, C.I. O’Malley,
P.V. TurnerInfluence of space availability on measures
of fear in conventional
broiler chickens
S.N. Rasmussen, H. Yoder,
M. Erasmus, A.B. RiberA critical note on meal criteria
in pigs: which behaviours do they
perform during feeder visit intervals?
J.D. Bus, I.J.M.M. Boumans,
L.E. Webb, E.A.M. BokkersAttachment style and social behavior
in dogs from commercial
breeding kennels
A. Stahl, S. Barnard,
A. Diana, M.A.R. Udell,
C. Croney
Sleep quality in cynomolgus macaques
varies by housing type and
following surgery
E.A. Paterson, C.I. O’Malley,
P.V. TurnerEffect of pullet rearing environment,
strain and perch shape on perching behaviour,
perching biomechanics, and keel
bone damage in enriched-housed laying hens
E. DePaoli, D. Korver,
C. BenchEffect of social relationships on dairy cows’
decision to move to and from an outdoor area
E. Nogues, D. M. Weary,
M.A.G. von KeyserlingkEvaluating the consistency of dairy goat
kids’ responses to two methods
of assessing fearfulness
H.M. Vickery, F.P. Johansen,
R.K. Meagher
Animals with various forms of abnormal
behaviour differ in learning performance and use
of enrichment: Evidence from farm mink
J. Malmkvist, M. Díez-León,
J. Winther ChristensenExamining personality dimensions in rats
using a caregiver questionnaire
H. Brooks, M. Davidson,
M. Mendl, V. NevilleBehaviour of cull sows during transport to slaughter –
effects of journey duration,
a stationary period and temperature
C. Kobek-Kjeldager, L.D. Jensen,
L. Foldager, L.M. Gould,
K. Thodberg, D.L. Schrøder-Petersen,
M.S. HerskinConsistent Individual Differences in
Cattle Grazing Patterns
M. Creamer, K. Horback
Measuring emotions in dairy cows:
relationships between infrared temperature
of key body parts, lateralised
behaviour and milk production
J. Uddin, D.M. McNeill,
C.J.C. PhillipsAn added aroma changes the behaviour
of domestic pigs in a novel situation
aimed for stunning
M.V. Rørvang, M. Blad,
C. Lindahl, A. WallenbeckConflict behaviour in Icelandic horses
during elite competition
J. Winther Christensen, D. Jensen,
U.U. König von BorstelDairy sheep and goats sort for particle size
and protein in mixed rations
R. Berthel, F. Dohme-Meier,
N. Keil
Domestication and breeding objective did not
shape the interpretation of physical
and social cues in goats
C. Nawroth, K. Wiesmann,
P. Schlup, N. Keil,
J. LangbeinIs the Familiar Human Approach Test a valid
method for evaluating the quality of
human-goat relationship in pasture-based systems?
M. Battini, M. Renna,
B. Torsiello, L. Battaglini,
S. MattielloSheep’s learning ability and behavioural
response to a fully automated virtual
fencing system
S. Eftang, J.B. Vas,
Ø. Holand, K.E. Bøe,
I.L. AndersenSow nest-building behaviour in communal farrowing
relates to productivity and litter size
M. Nystén, J. Yun,
S. Hasan, S. Björkman,
A. Valros, N. Soede,
C. Farmer, O. Peltoniemi
Evaluating Video Telemedicine for Providing
Virtual Health Care for Cats Via Mock
Spay Recheck Examinations
G. Boone, M. Bain,
J. Cutler, C.M. MoodyDoes ownership impact perception of reptile
cognitive abilities and welfare needs?
A. Crisante, O.H.P. Burman,
A. WilkinsonLifting laboratory rats: a survey of methods, handlers’ reasons
and concerns, and rat behavioural responses
C.C. Burn, T. Camacho,
J. HockenhullEffect of dietary vitamin D3 and ultraviolet-B light
on the behaviour and growth of broilers challenged
with social isolation stress
A.C. Ogbonna, A.S. Chaudhry,
L. Asher
Challenges for the strategic inclusion of
canine teams in security and defense in Colombia
O.E. Reátiga-Rincón, J.U. Rojas-Guevara,
P.A. Prada-Tiedemann, M.X. Ochoa-TorresOperational challenges in Colombia
the search and location of people
with canine teams
A.L. Herrera Castillo, J.U. Rojas-Guevara,
M.N. Cajiao PachónBrown and white layer pullet hybrids show
different fear responses towards humans ...
M.W.E. Manet, S. Kliphuis,
R.E. Nordquist, V.C. Goerlich,
F.A.M. Tuyttens, T.B. RodenburgSocial behaviour and personality profiles
of breeding does housed part-time
in group
L.G.W. Van Damme, B. Ampe,
E. Delezie, J. Rommers,
F.A.M. Tuyttens
Pig olfaction: the potential impact
and use of odors in commercial pig husbandry
S.-L.A. Schild, M.V. RørvangRub ‘n’ roll – Pigs display rubbing and
rolling behaviour when exposed to odours
M.V. Rørvang, S.-L.A. Wallenbeck,
J. Stenfelt, R. Grut,
A. Valros, B.L. NielsenHealth effects of feed dilution and roughage
in Ross 308 broiler breeder cockerels
K.E. Kittelsen, G. Vasdal,
R.O. Moe, F.S. Steinhoff,
F.M. TahamtaniMirror, mirror on the wall… How tank material and
the presence of “enrichments” affect
competition and agonism in zebrafish
J.M. Lavery, G.J. Mason
Training for a cognitive judgement bias task
does not affect fear or telomere
shortening in laying hens
J. Neuhauser, S. Hintze,
J.-L. Rault, S. Smith,
J. SirovnikRearing Laying Hens: environmental complexity
and genetic strain affect pullet but not
chick performance in a T-maze learning task
A.K. Rentsch, A. Harlander,
L. Niel, J.M. Siegford,
T.M. WidowskiLlamas use social information from
conspecifics and humans to solve
a spatial detour task
A. Pahl, U. König von Borstel,
D. BrucksThe quest to develop automated systems for
monitoring animal behavior
J.M. Siegford, J.P. Steibel,
J. Han, et al.
Lameness in Pregnant Sows Alters
Placental Stress Response
M.P. Sarmiento, L. Lanzoni,
L. Sabei, M. Chincarini,
R. Palme, A.J. Zanella,
G. VignolaThe impact of auditory distraction on learning
and task performance in working dogs
E.L. Sheldon, C.J. Hart,
D.S. Mills, C.D. Soulsbury,
R. Sumner, A. WilkinsonAssociations of range use with individual behaviour,
clinical welfare indicators, fear response
and gastrointestinal characteristics
of two laying hen hybrids
K.E. Wurtz, F.M. Tahamtani,
L. Foldager, K. Thodberg,
A.B. RiberIncreasing foraging times with appetitive
and consummatory foraging enrichment in grey parrots
M.H.C. Beekmans, C.M. Vinke,
A. Maijer, I. de Haan,
N.J. Schoemaker, T.B. Rodenburg,
H.S. Kooistra, Y.R.A. van Zeeland
Characterizing resilience to weaning stress and
its associations with behavioral differences
in finishing gilts
A.M. Luttman, B. Lee,
J.M. Siegford, J.P. Steibel,
N.E. Raney, C.W. ErnstQualitative behaviour assessment for zoo-housed
polar bears (Ursus maritimus)
C.R. Skovlund, M.K. Kirchner,
B. Contiero, S. Ellegaard,
X. Manteca, M. Stelvig,
O. Tallo-Parra, B. ForkmanHow do goats “read” 2D-images of familiar
and unfamiliar conspecifics?
J. Langbein, M. Moreno-Zambrano,
K. SiebertMeasuring motivation for forage in feedlot cattle
fed a high-concentrate diet using
a short-term thwarting test
R.E. Coon, C.B. Tucker
Effects of changing milking and feeding times
on the behaviour, body temperature, respiration
rate and milk production of dairy cows on pasture
K.E. Schütz, N.R. Cox,
V.M. Cave, F.J. Huddart,
C.B. TuckerThe use of gaze to study cognition: limitations,
solutions, and applications to animal welfare
V.A.D. Wilson, E.J. Bethell,
C. NawrothExploring synchrony of lying on commercial dairy farms
in relation to management
A. Kok, A. van Knegsel,
E.A.M. Bokkers, B. Kemp,
V. ThorupValidation of non-invasive sensor technologies
to measure interaction with enrichment material
in weaned fattening pigs
F. Veldkamp, T.I. Garcia-Faria,
V.L. Witjes, J.M.J. Rebel,
I.C. de Jong
The effects of part-time dam-contact and stepwise
weaning and separation on the voluntary human
approach behaviour of dairy calves
M. Bertelsen, K. Steinerová,
M. Bak JensenEffects of the rearing environment complexity on
laying hens’ spatial cognition: a holeboard test approach
L. Dumontier, A.M. Janczak,
T.V. Smulders, J. NordgreenAffective trajectories: Are hens influenced by
positive and negative changes in their living conditions?
E.S. Paul, W. Browne,
M.T. Mendl, G. Caplen,
S. Held, A. Trevarthen,
C.J. NicolA preliminary investigation of the feeding behaviour
of dairy goat kids reared away from their dams
on a computerised ad libitum milk feeding system
H.M. Vickery, R.K. Meagher,
S. Stergiadis, R.A. Neal
Effects of rearing with vertical structures on
the ontogeny of depth perception in laying hens
C.T. Jones, A.N. Pullin,
R.A. Blatchford, M.M. Makagon,
K. HorbackA buffet of litters - Broiler chickens behave
differently according to litter type and freshness
R.V. Holt, J. Vas,
G. Vasdal, R.C. NewberryReactions of Alpacas to Shearing and
Accompanying Procedures
T. Kohl, M. Wurzinger,
G.A. Gutierrez Reynoso, S. WaiblingerThis is the way: the effect of artificial cues
on early life ramp use behaviour of laying hen chicks
A. Johny, D. Guggisberg,
M.J. Toscano, A. Stratmann
Effects of shower duration on behaviour,
thermal comfort and soiling of organic
growing-finishing pigs with access to outdoor runs
C. Wimmler, C. Leeb,
C. Winckler, M. Knoll,
M. HolingerPlay behaviour positively relates to
weight gain, feeding behaviour and
drinking behaviour in weaner pigs
G.A. Franchi, M.L.V. Larsen,
I.H. Kristoffersen, J.F.M. Winters,
L. Juul Pedersen, M. Bak JensenA survey about the welfare problem
"toe pecking" in Swiss laying hens
S.G. Gebhardt-Henrich, S. Mueller,
L. Zanini, M.J. ToscanoEffects of timing of grouping
and split-weaning on growth performance and
behaviour of piglets in a multi-suckling system
T. Tang, W.J.J. Gerrits,
N.M. Soede, C.M.C. van der Peet-Schwering,
I. Reimert
Single- and multi-species groups: A descriptive
study of cattle and broiler behaviour
L. Schanz, S. Hintze,
S. Hübner, K. Barth,
C. WincklerReducing stocking density benefits behaviour
of fast- and slower-growing broilers
J.A.J. van der Eijk, H. Gunnink,
S. Melis, J.W. van Riel,
I.C. de JongA Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of
Solar Panels and Rotation Frequency on
the Grazing Behavior of Sheep Grazing
Dormant Pasture
E.W. Kampherbeek, L.E. Webb,
B.J. Reynolds, S.A. Sistla,
M.R. Horney, R. Ripoll-Bosch,
J.P. Dubowsky, Z.D. McFarlaneAdministration of procaine-based local anaesthetic
prior to surgical castration influences
post-operative behaviours of piglets
M. Coutant, J. Malmkvist,
C. Tallet, C.J.A. Williams,
M. Kaiser, L. Foldager,
M.S. Herskin
The impact of clamp castration on the behaviour and body temperature
of reindeer – effects of local anesthesia and
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
H. Nurmi, S. Laaksonen,
T. Häätylä, A. Valros,
M. Sauvala, L. HänninenChanges in the behaviour before normal calving
to predict its onset in Mediterranean Buffaloes heifers
L. Lanzoni, M. Chincarini,
M. Giammarco, I. Fusaro,
M. Iannotta, M. Podaliri,
A. Contri, A. Gloria,
G. VignolaEarly life environment and adult enrichment:
effects on fearfulness in laying hens
preference for feedlot or pasture environments
L. Dumontier, A.M. Janczak,
T.V. Smulders, R.O. Moe,
J. Vas, J. NordgreenGoats are able to adapt to virtual fencing: a field study
in commercial goat herds on Norwegian farms
S. Eftang, J. Vas,
Ø. Holand, K.E. Bøe
Opportunities (and challenges)in dairy cattle
cognition research: A key area needed to design
future high welfare housing systems
C. Nawroth, M.V. RørvangForage particle size and forage preservation
method modulate lying behaviour in dairy cows
A. Haselmann, M. Wenter,
W.F. Knaus, B. Fuerst-Waltl,
Q. Zebeli, C. WincklerIncreasing mud levels in a feedlot
influences beef cattle behaviours but not
preference for feedlot or pasture environments
E.J. Dickson, D.L.M. Campbell,
J.E. Monk, J.M. Lea,
I.G. Colditz, C. LeeEffects of on-farm hatching on short term stress
indicators, weight gain, and cognitive
ability in layer chicks
V.L. Witjes, R.M. Bruckmaier,
S.G. Gebhardt-Henrich, M.J. Toscano
Personality traits affect learning performance
in dwarf goats (Capra hircus)
M. Finkemeier, A. Krause,
A. Tuchscherer, B. Puppe,
J. LangbeinChanges in the behaviour before normal calving
to predict its onset in Mediterranean
buffaloes heifers
L. Lanzoni, M. Chincarini,
M. Giammarco, I. Fusaro,
M. Iannotta, M. Podaliri,
A. Contri, A. Gloria,
G. VignolaHorse odor exploration behavior is
influenced by pregnancy and age
M.V. Rørvang, K. Nicova,
J. YngvessonA calm companion lowers fear in
groups of dairy cows
J. Stenfelt, J. Yngvesson,
M.V. Rørvang
Freeing the hens: Workshop outcomes for applying
ethology to the development of cage-free
housing systems in the commercial egg industry
T.B. Rodenburg, M.F. Giersberg,
P. Petersan, S. ShieldsPampered pets or poor bastards? The welfare of
dogs kept as companion animals
I. Meyer, B. Forkman,
M. Fredholm, C. Glanville,
B. Guldbrandtsen, E. Ruiz Izaguirre,
C. Palmer, P. SandøeTiming of part-time group housing for
farm rabbits: effects on reproductive
performance, skin injuries and behaviour
L.G.W. Van Damme, E. Delezie,
B. Ampe, F.A.M. TuyttensAssociations between osteoarthritis
and duration and quality of
night-time rest in dogs
M. Smith, M. Mendl,
J.C. Murrell
Tracking performance in poultry is affected by data
cleaning method and housing system
L. Candelotto, K.J. Grethen,
C.M. Montalcini, M.J. Toscano,
Y. GómezEffect of cooperative care training on physiological
parameters and compliance in dogs
undergoing a veterinary examination
L. Wess, A. Böhm,
M. Schützinger, S. Riemer,
J.R. Yee, N. Affenzeller,
C. ArhantResponsiveness of domesticated goats towards
various stressors following long-term
cognitive test exposure
K. Rosenberger, M. Simmler,
J. Langbein, C. Nawroth,
N. KeilPredictors for plumage damage and bloody
lesions indicative of feather pecking
in pullets reared in aviaries
C. Mels, K. Niebuhr,
A. Futschik, J.-L. Rault,
S. Waiblinger
Does the duration of repeated temporary separation
affect welfare in dairy cow-calf
contact systems?
N. Roadknight, W. Wales,
E. Jongman, P. Mansell,
G. Hepworth, A. FisherBark to the Future: The welfare of domestic dogs
during interaction with a positively
reinforcing artificial agent
N. Shaw, F. Wemelsfelder,
L.M. RileyConsumer attitudes towards farm animal welfare
in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,
Peru and Bolivia: A segmentation-based study
L.X. Estévez-Moreno, G.C. Miranda-de la Lama,
G.G. Miguel-PachecoCommercial broiler breeder pullet hens use
perches but show no preference for
perch type or height
G. Vasdal, S.G. Gebhardt-Henrich,
K.E. Kittelsen, F.M. Tahamtani
Conventional laboratory housing increases morbidity
and mortality in research rodents:
results of a meta-analysis
J. Cait, A. Cait,
R.W. Scott, C.B. Winder,
G.J. MasonCommercial Free-Range Laying Hens’ Preferences for Shelters
with Different Sunlight Filtering Percentages
S. Rana, C. Lee,
J.M. Lea, D.L.M. CampbellApplication of Ultraviolet Light for Poultry Production:
A Review of Impacts on Behavior,
Physiology, and Production
S. Rana, D.L.M. CampbellMusic modulates emotional responses in growing pigs
J. Zapata Cardona, M.C. Ceballos,
A.M. Tarazona Morales, E. David Jaramillo,
B.D.R. Rodríguez
Canine-supported bio detection of corpses, anatomical sections
and biological fluids at crime scenes
M.A. Romero Luna, G.A. Bohórquez,
J.U. Rojas-Guevara, J.A. Baracaldo Eusse,
D. Alit MansegosaInsect-repelling behaviour in horses in relation to insect
prevalence and access to shelters
J.W. Christensen, C. G. Strøm,
K. Nicová, C.L. deGaillard,
P. Sandøe, H. SkovgårdgRelationships between owner and household characteristics
and enrichment and cat behaviour
I. Windschnurer, A. Häusler,
S. Waiblinger, G.J. ColemanEnvironmental Enrichment for Rats and Mice Housed
in Laboratories: A Metareview
A.S. Ratuski, D.M. Weary
Qualitative behaviour assessment as part of a welfare assessment in
flocks of laying hens
G. Vasdal, K. Muri,
S.M. Stubsjøen, R.O. Moe,
K. KittelsenLying in spatial proximity and active social behaviours capture
different information when analysed
at group level in indoor-housed pigs
I. Camerlink, K. Scheck,
T. Cadman, J.-L. RaultGoats from different selection lines
differ in their behavioural flexibility
C. Nawroth, K. Rosenberger,
N. Keil, J. LangbeinA method for assessing sustainability,
with beef production as an example
D.M. Broom
Modulating captive mammalian social behavior:
A scoping review on olfactory treatments
A.J. Barabas, S.R. Dijak,
J.F. Yatcilla, D.N. Walker,
B.N. GaskillOnce bitten, twice shy: aggressive and defeated
pigs begin agonistic encounters
with more negative emotions
L. Oldham, G. Arnott,
I. Camerlink, A. Doeschl-Wilson,
M. Farish, F. Wemelsfelder,
S.P. TurnerHucul horses’ learning abilities in different learning
tests and the association with behaviour,
food motivation and fearfulness
K. Olczak, C. Klocek,
J.W. ChristensenHorses’ (Equus caballus) Ability to Solve Visible but Not Invisible
Displacement Tasks Is Associated With
Frustration Behavior and Heart Rate
M.V. Rørvang, K. Nicova,
H. Sassner, C. Nawroth
Live black soldier fly larvae provisioning
is a promising environmental enrichment
for pigs as indicated by feed- and
enrichment-preference tests
A.F. Ipema, W.J. Gerrits,
E.A. Bokkers, B. Kemp,
J.E. BolhuisMeasuring Calves’ Usage of Multiple Environmental
Enrichment Objects Provided Simultaneously
A.C. Strappini, G. Monti,
P. Sepúlveda-Varas, I. de Freslon,
J.M. PeraltaPerformance in cognitive tasks is not affected
by long-term cognitive test exposure
in conceptually different tests
K. Rosenberger, M. Simmler,
J. Langbein, N. Keil,
C. NawrothLearned control of urinary reflexes
in cattle to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions
N. Dirksen, J. Langbein, J.,
L. Schrader, B. Puppe,
D. Elliffe, K. Siebert,
V. Röttgen, L. Matthews
Calf-directed affiliative behaviour
of dairy cows in two types of
cow-calf contact systems
M.L. Wenker, C.G. van Reenen,
D. de Oliveira, K. McCrea,
C.M. Verwer, E.A. BokkersHow would dogs spend their days?
Activity patterns in four populations
of domestic dogs
S. Griss, S. Riemer,
C. Warembourg, et al.A rein tension signal can be reduced
by half in a single training session
M. Eisersiö, J. Yngvesson, A. Byström,
P. Baragli, A. EgenvallImpact of digital dermatitis on
feedlot cattle behaviour
A.D. Thomas, K. Orsel,
J.A. Cortés, E.A. Pajor
Compounds from plantar foot sweat, nesting material,
and urine show strain patterns associated
with agonistic and affiliative behaviors
in group housed male mice, Mus musculus
A.J. Barabas, H.A. Soini,
M.V. Novotny, D.R. Williams,
J.A. Desmond, J.R. Lucas,
M.A. Erasmus, H.W. Cheng,
B.N. GaskillAssociation patterns across multiple gestation
cycles within a dynamic sow pen
K. Horback, C. McVey,
M. PierdonThe role of canine human remains detection"
teams in criminal investigation
J.U. Rojas-Guevara, J.D. Córdoba-Parra,
G.A. Bohórquez, R.A. Vega-Contreras,
P. Prada-TiedemannEffects of restraint on heifers during
gentle human-animal interactions
A. Lange, S. Waiblinger,
R. van Hasselt, R. Mundry,
A. Futschik, S. Lürzel
Tail-biting behaviour pre-weaning:
Association between other pig-directed
and general behaviour in piglets
F. Hakansson, J.E. BolhuisRooting for feed: Mixing corn pellets into rooting
material increases the use but not cleanliness
of rooting areas for growing-finishing pigs
M. Knoll, E.A.M. Bokkers,
C. Leeb, C. Wimmler,
H. Mai-Lis Andersen, R. Thomsen,
B. Früh, M. HolingerThe potential of feeding patterns to assess generic
welfare in growing-finishing pigs
J.D. Bus, I.J.M.M. Boumans,
L.E. Webb, E.A.M. BokkersWho's the Boss? Assessing Convergent Validity of
Aggression Based Dominance Measures in
Male Laboratory Mice, Mus Musculus
A.J. Barabas, J.R. Lucas,
M.A. Erasmus, H.W. Cheng,
B.N. Gaskill
Maternal deprivation affects
goat kids’ stress coping behaviour
C. Toinon, S. Waiblinger,
J.-L. RaultChewing behaviour in dogs –
a survey-based exploratory study
C. Arhant, R. Winkelmann,
J. TroxlerProviding environmental enrichments affects activity
and performance, but not leg health
in fast- and slower-growing broiler chickens
I.C. de Jong, X.E. Blaauw,
J.A.J. van der Eijk, C.S. da Silva,
M.M. van Krimpen, R. Molenaar,
H. van den BrandValidation of a real-time location system
for zone assignment and neighbor
detection in dairy cow groups
N. Melzer, B. Foris,
J. Langbein
Milk- and starter-feeding strategies
to reduce cross sucking in pair-housed
calves in outdoor hutches
R.S. Salter, K.J. Reuscher,
J.M.C. Van OsThe Legislative, Ethical, and Conceptual
Importance of Replicability in
Farm Animal Welfare Science
C. Nawroth, L. GygaxAre free-ranging Kune Kune pigs
(Sus scrofa domesticus) able to solve
a cooperative task?
M. Koglmüller, M. Wondrak,
I. Camerlink, J.-L. Rault,
L. HuberPreference testing for UV light
spectrum and intensity in laying hens
M.S. Rana, A.M. Cohen-Barnhouse,
C. Lee, D.L. Campbell
Does coping style affect behavioral
responses and growth performance
of lambs weaned at different ages?
C. Çakmakçı, S. Karaca,
G.A. MaríaDecomposition Residual Odor Volatiles in
Soil from a West Texas Environment
J. Raymer, P.A. Prada-Tiedemann,
J.U. Rojas-GuevaraIndividual Detection and Tracking
of Group Housed Pigs in Their Home Pen
Using Computer Vision
L.E. Van Der Zande, O. Guzhva,
T.B. RodenburgEffects of hatching on-farm on behaviour,
first week performance, fear level
and range use of organic broilers
C.T. Jessen, L. Foldager,
A.B. Riber
Happiness, Welfare, and Personality
in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)
L.M. Robinson, N.K. Waran,
I. Handel, M.C. LeachPiling behaviour in Swiss layer flocks:
description and related factors
J. Winter, M. Toscano,
A. StratmannVocalisations in Farm Animals:
a Step Towards Positive Welfare Assessment
K.A. Laurijs, E.F. Briefer,
I. Reimert, L.E. WebbAffective styles and emotional
lateralization: A promising framework
for animal welfare research
C. Goursot, S. Düpjan,
B. Puppe, L.M. Leliveld
Caretaker attitudes and animal training are
associated with alpaca behaviour towards humans—
An online survey
I. Windschnurer, L. Fischer,
T. Yanagida, C. Eibl,
S. Franz, S. WaiblingerInfluence of Different LED Light Colour
Temperatures on the Preference Behaviour
of Weaned Piglets
S. Goetz, C.M.C. Raoult,
K. Reiter, M. Wensch-Dorendorf,
D. Werner, E. v. BorellDetection of cow hind-leg activity
during milking by using a 3-dimensional
accelerometer attached to the milking cluster
C.M.C. Raoult, A.A. Margerit,
S. Fricker, E.F. Bluemel,
P.E. SavaryGoats show higher behavioural flexibility
than sheep in a spatial detour task
C.M.C. Raoult, B. Osthaus,
A.C.G. Hildbrand, A.G. McElligott,
C. Nawroth
Rider effects on horses' conflict behaviour,
rein tension, physiological measures
and rideability scores
J. Winther Christensen, R. Munk,
L. Hawson, R. Palme, T. Larsen,
A. Egenvall, U. U. König von Borstel,
M. Vilain RørvangAccess to chewable materials
during lactation affects sow behaviour
and interaction with piglets
K.-M. Swan, H. Telkänranta,
C. Munsterhjelm, O. Peltoniemi,
A. ValrosDevelopment of existing Scoring Systems
to Assess Behavioural Coping
in Shelter Cats
E. N. Hirsch, M. Andersson,
J. Loberg, L. M. LidforsFamiliarity influences social networks
in dairy cows after regrouping
B. Foris, H.-G. Haas,
J. Langbein, N. Melzer
Balancing skill against difficulty -
behavior, heart rate and heart rate variability
of shelter dogs during two different
introductions of an interactive game
C. Arhant, B. Altrichter, S. Lehenbauer,
S. Waiblinger, C. Schmied-Wagner, J. YeeGentle interactions with restrained
and free-moving cows: Effects on
the improvement of the
animal-human relationship
A. Lange, S. Waiblinger,
A. Heinke, K. Barth,
A. Futschik, S. LürzelHow Can Cattle Be Toilet Trained?
Incorporating Reflexive Behaviours
into a Behavioural Chain
N. Dirksen, J. Langbein,
L. Schrader, B. Puppe,
D. Elliffe, K. Siebert,
V. Roettgen, L. MatthewsGoats work for food in a
contrafreeloading task
K. Rosenberger, M. Simmler,
C. Nawroth, J. Langbein,
N. Keil
Rewarding memories? Behaviour of broiler
chickens towards peat
in flocks with and without
previous exposure to peat
J. Vas, N. BenSassi,
G. Vasdal, R. C. NewberryTalking to Cows:
Reactions to Different Auditory
Stimuli During Gentle
Human-Animal Interactions
A. Lange, L. Bauer,
A. Futschik, S. Waiblinger,
S. LürzelThe effect of perches and
aviary tiers on the mating behaviour
of two hybrids of broiler breeders
S. G. Gebhardt-Henrich, A. Jordan,
M. J. Toscano, H. WürbelEarly feeding experiences of
piglets and their impact on novel
environment behaviour and
food neophobia
A. Middelkoop, B. Kemp, E. Bolhuis
Understanding allogrooming through
a dynamic social network approach:
An example in a group
of dairy cows
I. de Freslon, J.M. Peralta
A.C. Strappini, G. MontiEffect of cow-calf contact
on cow motivation to reunite
with their calf
M.L. Wenker, et al.Sensory abilities of horses
and their importance to
equitation science
M.V. Rørvang, B.L. Nielsen,
A.N. McLeanComparative assessment of
general behaviour and fear-related
responses in hatchery-hatched and
on-farm hatched broiler chickens
M.F. Giersberg, et al.
Short- and long-term
effects of rearing dairy calves
with contact to their mother
on their reactions toward humans
S. Waiblinger, et al.Play and social behaviour
of calves with or without
access to their dam
and other cows
S. Waiblinger, et al.Intra-group lethal gang
aggression in domestic pigs
(Sus scrofa domesticus)
I. Camerlink, J.-Y. Chou,
S.P. TurnerEmotional contagion and
its implications for animal welfare
S. Düpjan, A. Krause,
L.R. Moscovice, C. Nawroth
Provisioning of live
black soldier fly larvae
(Hermetia illucens)
benefits broiler activity
and leg health in a
frequency- and dose-
dependent manner
A.F. Ipema, et al.Perch positioning affects
both laying hen locomotion
and forces experience
at the keel
C. Rufener, A.K. Rentsch,
A. Stratmann, M.J. ToscanoPullet rearing affects
collisions and perch use
in enriched colony cage
layer housing
A.N. Pullin, et al.Current state of
knowledge on the cognitive
capacities of goats and its
potential to inform species-
specific enrichment
G. Zobel & C. Nawroth
Different regrouping schedules
in semi group-housed rabbit does:
Effects on agonistic behaviour,
stress and lesions
M. Braconnier, et al.Maize silage as
enrichment material
improves the welfare of
growing-finishing pigs in
environmentally friendly pens
M. Ocepek, C.M. Goold,
M. Busančić, A.J.A. AarninkWhich types of
rooting materials
give weaner pigs
most pleasure?
M. Ocepek, R.C. Newberry,
I.L. AndersenMethodological terminology and
definitions for research and
discussion of cow-calf contact
J. Sirovnik, et al.
Long-term socialization
with humans affects
human-directed behavior
in goats
V. Mastellone, et al.Assessing the
motivation to learn
in cattle
R.K. Meagher, et al.Goats follow human
pointing gestures in an
object choice task
C. Nawroth, Z.M. Martin,
A.G. McElligottMotivation for feeding
in broiler breeder pullets
fed different types of
restricted high-fibre diets
A.B. Riber and F.M. Tahamtani
Social referencing
in the domestic horse
A. Schrimpf, M.-S. Single
, C. NawrothHorses failed to learn
from humans by observation
M.V. Rørvang, T.B. Nielsen,
J.W. ChristensenEffects of different
stroking styles on
behaviour and cardiac parameters
in heifers
A. Lange et alEasieRR:
An open-source software for
non-invasive heart rate variability
J.H. Rasmussen, K. Rosenberger,
J. Langbein
Neurological functioning
and fear responses
in low and normal birth weight piglets
S. Roelofs et al.Effect of different catching practices
during manual upright handling
on broiler welfare and behavior
V.A. de Lima, M.C. Ceballos, et al.Relationships between temperament,
meat quality, and carcass traits
in Nellore cattle
A.C. Sant'anna, et al.Human relationships
with domestic and other animals:
One health, one welfare, one biology
A.M. Tarazona, M.C. Ceballos,
D.M. Broom
Laboratory animal welfare
and human attitudes:
A cross-sectional survey
on heterospecific play
or "rat tickling"
M.R. LaFollette et al.Review:
Early life predisposing factors
for biting in pigs
A. Prunier et al.Assessment of personality types
in Nigerian dwarf goats (Capra hircus)
and cross-context correlations
to behavioural and physiological responses
M.-A. Finkemeier et al.Evaluating effects of providing hay
on behavioral development and performance
of group-housed dairy calves
K.C. Horvath & E.K. Miller-Cushon
Mood induction alters
attention toward
negative-positive stimulus pairs
in sheep
C.M.C. Raoult & L. GygaxA study of Traveller horse owners'
attitudes to horse care and welfare
using an equine body condition
scoring system
M. Rowland, T. Coombs, M. ConnorAn ethogram of biter
and bitten pigs
during an ear biting event:
First step in the development
of a precision livestock farming tool
A. Diana et al.Visual laterality in pigs:
Monocular viewing influences
emotional reactions in pigs
C. Goursot et al.
What is animal happiness?
L.E. Webb, R. Veenhoven,
J.L. Harfeld, M.B. JensenComprehensive analysis
of affiliative and agonistic
social networks in
lactating dairy cattle groups
B. Foris, M. Zebunke,
J. Langbein, N. MelzerFarm animal cognition
--Linking behavior, welfare, and ethics
C. Nawroth, J. Langbein,
M. Coulon, V. Gabor,
S. Oesterwind, J. Benz-Schwarzburg,
E. von BorellImplication and impact of
straw provision on behaviour,
lesions and pen hygiene
on commercial farms
rearing undocked pigs
T. Wallgren, A. Larsen, N. Lundeheim,
R. Westin, S. Gunnarsson
Finding hens in a haystack:
Consistency of movement patterns
within and across individual
laying hens maintained in large groups
C. Rufener, J. Berezowski, F. Maximiano Sousa
Y. Abreu, L. Asher, M.J. ToscanoEvaluating the temporal
and situational consistency
of personality traits
in adult dairy cattle
B. Foris, M. Zebunke,
J. Langbein, N. MelzerBehavioural lateralization
in domestic pigs (Sus scrofa)--
variations between motor functions
and individuals
C. Goursot, S. Dupjan, A. Tuchscherer,
B. Puppe, L.M.C. LeliveldAssessing animal individuality:
links between personality
and laterality in pigs
C. Goursot, S. Dupjan, E. Kanitz,
A. Tuchscherer, B. Puppe, L.M.C. Leliveld
Looking on the bright side
of livestock emotions
--the potential of their transmission
to promote positive welfare
L. Baciadonna, S. Duepjan, E.F. Briefer,
M. Padilla de la Torre, C. NawrothSocial learning in horses
--Fact or fiction?
M.V. Rørvang, J.W. Christensen,
J. Ladewig, A. McLeanFactors associated with
long-term success in working police dogs
K. Brady, N. Cracknell,
H. Zulch, D. S. MillsExamining affective structure in chickens:
valence, intensity, persistence
and generalization measured using a
Conditioned Place Preference Test
E. S. Paul, J. L. Edgar,
G. Caplen, C. J. Nico
Personality research
in mammalian farm animals:
Concepts, measures,
and relationship to welfare
M.-A. Finkemeier, J. Langbein, B. PuppeGoats prefer positive
human emotional facial expressions
C. Nawroth, N. Albuquerque,
C. Savalli, M.-S. Single, A.G. McElligottHuman-directed behaviour in goats
is not affected
by short-term positive handling
J. Langbein, A. Krause, C. Nawroth"Naturalness and its relation
to animal welfare
from an ethological perspective
L. Gygax and E. Hillmann
Human demonstration
does not facilitate the performance
of horses (Equus caballus) in a
spatial problem-solving task
J.-B. Burla, J. Siegwart, C. NawrothAnimals and Us:
50 years and more
of applied ethology
J. Brown, Y. Seddon, M. ApplebyBranding practices
on four dairies
in Kantale, Sri Lanka
S.J.J. Adcock, C.B. Tucker,
G. Weerasinghe, E. RajapakshaMotor self-regulation
in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus)
in a detour-reaching task
J. Langbein
Domestic cattle
(Bos taurus taurus)
are motivated to obtain forage
and demonstrate contrafreeloading
J.M.C. Van Os, E.M. Mintline,
T.J. DeVries, C.B. TuckerPrepartum maternal behavior
of domesticated cattle:
A comparison with managed,
feral, and wild ungulates
M.V. Rørvang, B.L. Nielsen,
M.S. Herskin, M.B. JensenRadiographic examination
of keel bone damage
in living laying hens of different strains
kept in two housing systems
E.K. Eusemann, U. Baulain,
L. Schrader, C. Thöne-Reineke,
A. Patt, S. PetowImproving the welfare of farm animals
Science and policy document
by the INRA, the French
agricultural research institute
Corporate reporting on
farm animal welfare:
An evaluation of global food companies’
discourse and disclosures on
farm animal welfare
R. Sullivan,
N. Amos, H.A. van de WeerdDo dogs see the Ponzo illusion?
S.-E. Byosiere, L.C.Feng, et al.Playful pigs:
Evidence of consistency and change
in play depending on litter
and developmental stage
S.M. Brown, R. Peters,
I.M. Nevison, A.B. LawrenceRegular exposure to cowbells
affects the behavioral reactivity
to a noise stimulus in dairy cows
J. Johns, S. Masneuf
A. Patt, E. Hillmann
Judgement bias in goats
(Capra hircus): Investigating
the effects of human grooming
L. Baciadonna, C. Nawroth, A.G. McElligottSocial status affects
welfare metrics of
group-housed gestating sows
E. Pacheco, J. L. Salak-JohnsonCharacterization of short-
and long-term mechanical
sensitization following
surgical tail amputation in pigs
P. Di Giminiani, S. A. Edwards, E. M. Malcom, et al.Human head orientation and
eye visbilityas indicators
of attention for goats (Capra hircus)
C. Nawroth, A.G. McElligott
Cooling cows efficiently
with water spray: Behavioral,
physiological, and production responses
to sprinkers at the feed bunk
J.M. Chen, K.E. Schütz, C.B. TuckerIn search of the urban cowboy:
the need to incorporate animal
husbandry into the United States
high education curriculum and its
implications for production animal welfare
C.L. DaigleToward a choice-based
judgement bias task for horses
S. Hintze, E. Roth, I. Bachmann, H. WürbelThe motivation-based calving facility:
Social and cognitive factors
influence isolation seeking behaviour
of Holstein dairy cows at calving
M.V. Rørvang, M.S. Herskin, M.B. Jensen
Special collection:
Epidemiological investigations of
North American zoo elephant welfare
VariousThe researchers' view of
scientific rigor - Survey on the conduct
and reporting of in vivo research
T.S. Reichlin, L. Vogt, H. WürbelAuthorization of animal experiments
is based on confidence rather than
evidence of scientific rigor
L. Vogt, T. . Reichlin, C. Nathues, H. WürbelAcoustic signalling reflects personality
in a social mammal
M. Friel, H.P. Kunc, K. Griffin, et al.
Equine welfare during exercise:
An evaluation of breathing, breathlessness
and bridles
D. J. Mellor and N. J. BeausoleilIntroducing breathlessness as a
significant animal welfare issue
N. J. Beausoleil and D. J. MellorThe backtest in pigs revisited
—Inter-situational behaviour
and animal classification
M. Zebunke, G. Nürnberg,
N. Melzer, B. PuppeRat ticking: A systematic review
of applications, outcomes,
and moderators
M. R. LaFollette, M. E. O'Haire,
S. Cloutier, W. B. Blankenberger,
B. N. Gaskill
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