Fernanda (Faye) Tahamtani

Ethics Officer (2022-2026)

Faye Tahamtani

Faye Tahamtani is a Special Advisor in the Poultry Health Services Department of the Norwegian Meat and Poultry Research Centre (Animalia). She has a B.A (Mod.) in Zoology (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), a MSc in Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare (University of Edinburgh, UK) and a PhD on “Early environmental effects on laying hen development” from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. At Animalia Faye conducts scientific research with a focus on applied aspects of the environment and management of chickens and turkeys to promote their welfare. In addition, she performs a number of services to the Norwegian poultry industry such as ethical audits of slaughterhouses and hatcheries and the production of teaching courses for veterinarians, farmers, handlers, and drivers within the poultry industry.


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