Event Details
European Layer Training Initiative, Bern, Switzerland
26th Apr 2019 - 10th May 2019
Learn about cage-free laying hen management!
The European Layer Training Initiative (ELTI) is a newly formed consortium of representatives from four European nations (Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzerland) with the aim to aid and inform the US and Canadian industry as it transitions to cage-free systems over the coming decade by providing exposure to European cage-free laying hen management practices. The principal activity of ELTI is to provide training within the respective European nations for participants (principally extension agents, consultants, farm managers, and NGO representatives) to see and learn firsthand European management of cage-free systems. Using the concept of ‘training the trainers’, training will involve a combination of site visits, classroom lectures, and interactions with producers, to allow participants to learn about European methods so that they can develop their own best practices for their US- and/or Canadian-based operations and stakeholders.
Applications for travel funding due 24 December, 2018
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