Event Details

Behaviour 2023

14th Aug 2023 - 20th Aug 2023

University of Bielefeld, Germany


Abstract submission

Abstracts can be submitted to symposiageneral sessions (for research topics beyond the symposium themes) and as poster presentations.

Check out our Abstract Submission page for more details!

Abstract submission closes April 30th.


Congress Registration

Congress Registration is now also live!

Head down to our Registration Platform to sign up for the conference, conference dinner and/or excursions.

Early-Bird registration costs 250 euros for students (BSc, MSc and PhD) and 500 euros for non-students, and this price includes congress participation, all lunches, local transport, snacks and drinks.

You can benefit from these Early-Bird fees until April 30th! From May 1st, congress registration fees will increase.

For more information visit the website: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/biologie/forschung/veranstaltungen/behaviour2023/index.xml

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