Event Details

WAFL, Wageningen, The Netherlands

5th Sep 2017 - 8th Sep 2017

7th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level

WAFL 2017

WAFL is an international scientific conference on the assessment of animal welfare at farm and group level. It is held once every three years, and WAFL2017 is organized by the Wageningen Centre for Animal Welfare and Adaptation (CAWA) in collaboration with Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science.
Please visit the website http://www.wafl2017.com/ for more information 

5-8 September 2017,
Wageningen, The Netherlands

Communications on any topic related to the assessment of animal welfare are welcome. To name a few:
  • Sustainability and animal welfare
  • Avoiding bias in science
  • Animal welfare in society
  • Precision farming techniques
  • Protocols, aggregation, implementaiton
  • Social networks in animal welfare
  • Genetics and animal welfare
  • Statistics and methodology
  • Please note: WAFL especially invites interdisciplinary communications!

Keynotes at WAFL2017

  • Dan Weary: Innovations in animal welfare: What have we reached and what do we aim for?
  • Imke de Boer: Can we improve animal welfare and sustainability in concert?
  • Jens Krause: Animal social networks
  • Noelle Aarts: The art of dialogue
  • Jelte Wicherts: The weak spots of contemporary science and how to strengthen it

Important dates

Deadline abstract submission 17 February 2017
Registration opens 30 January 2017
Acceptance notification 1 May 2017
Deadline early bird registration 1 June 2017
WAFL2017 Conference 5-8 September 2017

Innovations in Animal Welfare

The first day of the international WAFL conference, 5th September, will be dedicated to innovations in animal welfare that can be applied on-farm, during transport and at the abattoir. The ideas can vary from fresh, innovative ideas to new housing concepts, new management innovations or intelligent monitoring devices that have been developed recently. All promising innovations will get a stand at the ‘Innovation Market’ at which posters or objects can be presented to the delegates. The best will be invited for a plenary ‘Pitch’ in the morning. We will let the audience discuss & decide which innovation takes animal welfare forward the most!

Innovation Day Programme

The preliminary programme for this day is:
09:00   Reception, coffee
09:30   Welcome and introduction
09:45   Keynote lecture Prof. Dan Weary (UBC Canada): ‘Innovations to improve animal welfare: what have we reached and what should we aim for?’
10:30   Pitch presentations of welfare innovations
12:00   Plenary discussion and voting best pitch
12:30   Lunch
13:30   Innovation market, with possibilities to present your idea, concept or design for a welfare innovation (poster or tangible object)
16:00   Plenary discussion and voting innovation award
17:00-22:00 Drinks and buffet dinner, welcome reception WAFL congress

Free entry for conference delegates

The innovation day is free for WAFL2017 delegates. For those who only wish to attend the innovation day itself, the registration fee is 100 Euro. The day includes lunch and buffet dinner.

Registration and abstract submission

Interested to present a pitch during the morning session and/or to contribute to the Innovation market? Please send an abstract of the innovation you would like to present to: info.wafl2017@wur.nl (subject: “innovation day”). If accepted, it will be included in the conference proceedings, so use max 300 words, and text only (no pictures or diagrams). Abstract submission closes on April 7th 2017.
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