Event Details
Cross-fertilization betw Neurosci & Anim Welf Sci, UK
22nd Jun 2020 - 23rd Jun 2020
On 22-23 June 2020, we are organizing a workshop at Newcastle University entitled "Cross-fertilization between Neuroscience and Animal Welfare Science", sponsored by AWRN and UFAW. We have 5 exciting plenary speakers lined up already (see website below).
In addition to these 5 speakers, we are looking for 10 more contributed talks (15min + 5min questions each) from people who have already applied neuroscience to animal welfare questions and from people who would like to present an idea of how to combine neuroscience and animal welfare science.
Abstracts need to be submitted by 28 February 2020, and talks will be selected based on their fit to the different themes of the meeting and on diversity criteria.
For more information on the workshop and for a link to submit your abstract, please go to: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/medicalsciences/events/item/eventanimalwelfare.html
Information on how to register to attend the workshop will follow later.
Cheers -
Colline Poirier and Tom Smulders
Newcastle University
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